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Nicole and Laurie have been the best of friends since high school. When not working at Carolina Aesthetic Co., they love to spend quality time with family and friends. Weekends are spent enjoying small shops and restaurants in and around town, finding great local food and even better desserts. Coffee enthusiasts with a love for travel. Come see us, we cant wait to meet you!

Meet Laurie

Though born and raised in Upstate NY, Laurie decided to follow the sun and southern hospitality and moved to Charlotte in 2015.

Laurie is a Registered Nurse by trade and has held multiple positions during her career, allowing her to be an extensively experienced, well rounded nurse. During her various roles in Surgical Medicine, Laurie oversaw a Pediatric Surgical Clinic as well and a Cosmetic Surgical Clinic. These roles allowed her love and passion for nursing to meet her curiosity for modern innovation, techniques and technologies. She has also held multiple leadership roles for a large healthcare organization which further opened up many opportunities for continued professional and personal growth. Laurie’s desire to make people feel their best, her love of all things aesthetics coupled with her business management background serves as a driving force behind Carolina Aesthetics Co. During free time Laurie enjoys time with her husband, 3 kids and 2 fur babies. Time at the beach is always preferred and making memories with family and friends is always a priority.

The goal is to provide clients with genuine kindness and respect while helping them achieve the best version of themselves through safe and effective treatments. We want every patient that walks in the door to feel comfortable, encouraged and empowered. This allows our clients to leaving rejuvenated and ready to take on the day.
Come experience the difference, Carolina Aesthetic Co. welcomes you to the family!


Meet Nicole

As a fellow New Yorker Nicole brings talent and an artful eye to Carolina Aesthetic Co. She has been a Licensed Practical Nurse for 11 years with a total of 25 years of various healthcare related experience making Nicole a seasoned professional and an amazing injector. Its apparent she loves her clients and treats them all like old friends. She chose nursing because it is a profession that has no boundaries and endless opportunities to help people. She prides herself on always being in the know and taking the initiative to learn new skills and knowledge to further her competency in aesthetic nursing.

Nicole combines extensive nursing experience with a talent for aesthetics which allow her to meet her clients needs and goals. One of the most important aspects to Nicole is building trust and managing her client expectations from treatment planning to the follow up care.

When not at Carolina Aesthetic Co., Nicole enjoys spending time with her 4 children, large family and fur babies. Nicole cant wait to welcome new and old friends to our new location.

Services That Make You Feel Great

Have you been looking for a way to enhance your natural beauty? Do you desire professional cosmetic services? In South Carolina, Carolina Aesthetic Co is a fully committed aesthetic service provider. We offer a variety of different cosmetic services to our clients. No matter what your skin type is, we have something for you. Our services are designed to match your unique needs and give you to results you desire. We are a team of professional nurses who have the necessary tools, skills, and products to give you aesthetic results that make you feel great in your own skin. Our goal is to help enhance your natural beauty so that you feel like the best version of yourself.

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A Safe and Comfortable Place for Everyone

Our family-style approach is to include every single person that wants to be a part of our team. Our comprehensive services are versatile, meaning that no matter who you are or what your skin type is, we have something that will meet your needs. We strive to ensure that everyone feels safe and comfortable when visiting our office. When you make an appointment with us, we will ensure that you feel cared for by our experienced and professional nursing staff. Your safety and comfort are always our top priority. We will never encourage you to do something that you are not comfortable with. Our team will take our team discussing options that will meet your needs and give you the results that you desire.

Schedule a Consultation Today

When it comes to aesthetic enhancement services, it is vital that you have a comprehensive meeting with our professionals before we proceed with treatment. Our team will listen to your concerns and your aesthetic goals and then discuss our treatment options with you. We will only suggest the treatments that are a good fit for your needs and your skin. We strive to ensure that all of our patients get the best results possible, which is why our service options are flexible and versatile. Reach out to our team today to schedule a consultation where we will discuss your goals and come up with the best, personalized treatment for you.

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